Cultivation of Leeches
St.Petersburg Bioplant has an over 25 year-long tradition of cultivating medicinal leeches in a special conditions. Our experience and scientific researches of the last years allowed to create a modern technology based on the natural patterns of the animals’ life and development cycle and a special nourishment regime.
We also breed a particular type of leech for doctors. Its qualities make it distinctive from that of other manufacturers. For example, it has a relatively high level of aggression & therapeutic effects. The leeches are bred throughout the year, which has made it possible to increase the volume of production.
Another direction of research at the bioplant, which takes place in conjunction with Hiruline laboratories, is the technology of obtaining goal-specific bio-complexes from leeches. Unique developments have allowed to develop a special variety of anti-aging leeches. They were called "The Emperor's leeches". Today they are utilized in cosmetic line "Perfect skin" and in enhancing rejuvenation-oriented programs of doctor Kamenev.
Cultivation of the medicinal leech is a rather complicated process. The safety of our product is guaranteed by our reputation – many years of collaboration with hundreds of doctors, clinics and pharmacies. We possess all the necessary documentation that verifies the quality of our product.
Laying of cocoons. It’s curious that once the cocoons are laid, the leech does not travel far from them, as if protecting the germs. The reasons for such behavior are still unclear.
Cocoons and newborn leeches. Right after birth leeches are ready to attack and obtain food for themselves. The newborn leech has to eat well in order to grow fast. The best will become the queen herd for the future generation.